Title: Chengdu Teen Spits Out Ghost Money to Dissuade Square Dancing Aunties, Sparking Community Attention
Keywords: 1. Noise from Square Dancing
Content: Title: Chengdu Teen Spits Out Ghost Money to Dissuade Square Dancing Aunties, Community Addresses: New Venue Chosen
By Shaoxiao Song, a senior journalist and an editorial professional for a leading news outlet. This recent incident in Chengdu’s Longquanyi District at the Honghe City Garden complex has brought noise complaints from the community caused by square dancing to the forefront. It is reported that a young man attempted to drive away the dancers by hurling objects into the air, with some witnesses identifying them as “ghost money.”
On January 17th, this reporter visited the scene. According to eyewitness accounts, in the afternoon, the music and dance performances from the square were booming, causing serious disruptions to the lives of nearby residents. Then, a young man took out some paper money from his bag and threw it into the sky, upon which the dancers immediately stopped their activities.
In response, staff members from the Honghe City Garden property management stated that they had noticed this issue and had already communicated with the organizers of the square dancing, requesting that they find a new location for their activities to minimize disturbances to nearby residents.
This incident has garnered widespread attention in society. Some argue that square dancing is a healthy form of leisure activity that should be respected and understood. However, others believe that the noise from square dancing indeed causes disturbances to nearby residents and that measures should be taken to address this issue.
Experts recommend that both square dance organizers and participants should consciously abide by public order, choosing locations further away from residential areas when possible for their activities. They also express the hope that relevant authorities can introduce more specific regulations to safeguard the rights of residents to rest.
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