Title: BYD’s Intelligent Driving Era is Coming: High-end Aiding Systems Are Standard for Cars Priced Over 30,000 Yuan
Keywords: 1. BYD Intelligent Driving
Content: Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD Automobile, announced during the 2024 BYD Dream Day event that in the future, cars priced over 200,000 yuan will have the option to install high-end intelligent driving aiding systems, and those priced over 300,000 yuan will be standard. It is reported that BYD currently has a team of more than 4,000 people dedicated to autonomous driving, with more than 3,000 of them being software engineers. Mr. Wang said that the era of intelligent driving has arrived, but emphasized: “Building a smart car is like building a house, it’s not just about coding, it must be based on electrification of cars. If you don’t do it well, you’re building a house on shaky ground.”
Earlier, Mr. Wang caused controversy when he said, “Autonomous driving is nonsense.” In response, he explained that what he meant at the time was “unmanned driving.” “Unmanned driving and intelligent driving are two things. Unmanned driving is deceptive. At this stage, whether it’s laws and regulations or technological level, unmanned driving does not have the conditions to land.”
The event, officially defined as “mapping out BYD’s intellectual landscape,” is still ongoing. IT Home will continue to follow closely.
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