中新网柏林1月6日电 据德媒报道,德国北部下萨克森州于尔岑市一家医院(Helios Klinikum Uelzen)发生的火灾已致5人丧生,多人受伤。火警于当地时间1月6日凌晨响起,消防部门接报后迅速赶赴现场展开救援。目前,火灾原因尚在调查中。
这场灾难震惊了德国社会,民众对遇难者表示深切哀悼。德国政府表示,将全力协助火灾事故的善后工作,并加强对医疗机构的安全监管。据了解,事发医院为Helios Klinikum Uelzen,是一家拥有约1000张床位的综合性医疗机构。火灾发生时,许多患者和医护人员被困在现场。
Title: Five killed in German hospital fire
Keywords: Hospital fire, Germany, Victims
News content:
A hospital fire in Uelzen, a city in the German state of Lower Saxony, has left five people dead and several others injured, according to local media reports. The fire broke out at Helios Klinikum Uelzen, a comprehensive medical institution with approximately 1,000 beds. Many patients and medical staff were trapped on site when the fire occurred.
Firefighters managed to find five victims and rescue several injured individuals. The fire affected part of the hospital, and the rescue operation is still ongoing. The cause of the fire is under investigation. The disaster has shocked German society, with citizens expressing their condolences for the victims. The German government stated that it will fully assist in the aftermath of the accident and strengthen safety supervision in medical institutions.
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