Title: Russian President Putin looks forward to cooperation with BRICS
Keywords: Putin, BRICS, cooperation
News content:
According to reports from the Russian satellite通讯社, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on January 1 that he looks forward to working with all the countries that are part of the BRICS group in 2024, when Russia will be the rotating chair of the group.
Putin made the statement at a press conference at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow. He said, “I believe that cooperation between all the BRICS countries will help to strengthen our friendly relationships and promote more comprehensive goals.”
He believed that the BRICS countries should increase cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and finance, and also pay attention to global issues such as global governance and solving global problems, such as climate change and the prevention of infectious diseases.
Furthermore, Putin said that Russia will actively participate in BRICS cooperation and make efforts to promote regional security and stability.
According to reports from Rossiyskaya gazeta, Putin also said that Russia looks forward to strengthening cultural, educational, and technological cooperation with all the BRICS countries.
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