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2023 年《自然》年度十大人物揭晓,除了从全球重大科学事件中评选出的 10 位人物——5 位男性,5 位女性,今年还有 1 位非人类上榜——美国人工智能公司 OpenAI 发布的聊天机器人 ChatGPT。此次《自然》的 11 大人物之一也有 ChatGPT 的创造者伊利亚·苏茨克维(Ilya Sutskever)。

根据《自然》杂志的评选标准,这些人物在科学或技术领域取得了重大贡献,或是对社会产生了深远影响。其中,ChatGPT 的上榜引起了广泛关注,因为它是人工智能领域的一项重要突破,代表着自然语言处理技术的重大进展。

ChatGPT 的创造者伊利亚·苏茨克维在接受采访时表示,ChatGPT 的上榜是对 ChatGPT 的高度肯定,也是对人工智能技术不断发展的认可。



Title: 2023 Nature Annual Top 10 People: ChatGPT makes the list!

Keywords: 2023, Nature Annual Top 10 People, ChatGPT

News Content:

The 2023 annual top 10 people of Nature have been revealed, including ChatGPT, which was selected for its significant contribution to the field of artificial intelligence. The 11th person on the list is Ilya Sutskever, the creator of ChatGPT. This year’s list also includes five men and five women, as well as one non-human entry – the chatbot developed by US artificial intelligence company OpenAI.

The selection criteria for the Nature annual top 10 people include significant achievements in the field of science or technology, or significant impact on society. ChatGPT’s inclusion on the list has garnered a lot of attention, as it represents a major breakthrough in natural language processing technology.

Ilya Sutskever, the creator of ChatGPT, said in a statement, “Being included on the Nature annual top 10 people list is a great honor, and it also recognizes the ongoing development of artificial intelligence technology.”

The annual top 10 people of Nature’s list is not only a recognition of the scientists, but also an indication of the significant advancements in the field of science and technology. It’s believed that in the future, these figures will continue to bring more surprises and challenges to humanity.


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