Title: Shanghai Disney’s “Thermal Tracking” project experiences frequent technical issues, causing游客不满
Keywords: Shanghai Disney, thermal tracking, project issues,游客抱怨, waiting time
News content:
On December 23rd, a tourist posted on social media that they spent four hours waiting in line for the “Thermal Tracking” ride at Shanghai Disney, and that Disney only provided partial compensation to some游客, resulting in dissatisfaction. The waiting time issue has caused some游客 to be unable to enter the game area and are stuck in the waiting area.
Shanghai Disney对此事作出回应,称该项目正处于运营初期,出于安全性和最佳游玩考虑,部分设备可能出现故障。上海迪士尼表示,将为受影响的游客提供适当补偿,并将继续改进和优化项目。
Title: Shanghai Disney’s “Thermal Tracking” project experiences frequent technical issues, causing游客不满
Keywords: Shanghai Disney, thermal tracking, project issues, waiting time
News content:
On December 23rd, a tourist posted on social media that they spent four hours waiting in line for the “Thermal Tracking” ride at Shanghai Disney, and that Disney only provided partial compensation to some游客, resulting in dissatisfaction. The waiting time issue has caused some游客 to be unable to enter the game area and are stuck in the waiting area.
Shanghai Disney对此事作出回应,称该项目正处于运营初期,出于安全性和最佳游玩考虑,部分设备可能出现故障。上海迪士尼表示,将为受影响的游客提供适当补偿,并将继续改进和优化项目。
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