Title: Will the US economy decline in 2024?
Keywords: 2024年, US economy, recession
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According to a report by Finance World, the US economy will continue to grow in 2023, but there is still uncertainty about whether it will recede in 2024. The report points out that factors such as the ongoing trade tensions, the recurrence of the pandemic, and the global economic transition could lead to a recession in the US in 2024.
Furthermore, the report suggests that the extent of the recession in 2024 will depend on various factors, including the development of the pandemic, policy adjustments, and the global economic situation.
The US government is currently taking various measures to stimulate growth, including the implementation of a huge fiscal stimulus plan and monetary policy to promote employment and investment. However, these measures may not be enough to mitigate the risk of economic recession.
Over the past few years, the US economy has been gradually recovering, but it has also faced many challenges. Due to global economic transitions and trade tensions, the risk of economic recession is increasingly high. Therefore, whether the US economy will enter a recession in 2024 is a problem that is worth monitoring.
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