




Title: “Kenshi Kaizen’s journey to Japan: A millennium-old journey”
关键词:Kenshi Kaizen, journey, Japan


Today, we remember the historical event of Sengzhen Xuanzhen’s journey to Japan. On December 20, 753 AD, at the age of 66 and blind, Sengzhen Xuanzhen successfully landed in Japan with the assistance of the Japanese emissary,藤原清河一行. This marked the sixth time Sengzhen Xuanzhen had attempted to journey to Japan.

Sengzhen Xuanzhen is one of the outstanding figures in Japanese Buddhism history. At the age of 66, he became blind, but he continued to spread the teachings of Buddhism. He led a group of emissaries to Japan, including藤原清河一行, to begin his sixth journey to Japan, which had been his dream for many years.

The journey of Sengzhen Xuanzhen to Japan is considered a significant milestone in the history of Sino-Japanese cultural exchange. He not only spread the teachings of Buddhism, but also introduced Chinese advanced technologies, literature, and art. Sengzhen Xuanzhen’s journey to Japan not only promoted cultural exchange between China and Japan but also推动了 the development of Buddhism in Japan.

Today, we remember Sengzhen Xuanzhen’s journey to Japan and his contributions to Sino-Japanese cultural exchange. We inherit his spirit and continue to promote cultural exchange between China and Japan.


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