Title: Macau’s 24th anniversary: Recalling the emotional scene of the Chinese army’s deployment in Macau in 1999
Keywords: Macau’s return, Chinese army, deployment in Macau
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On December 20, 1999, Macau returned to China after more than 40 years of Portuguese colonial rule. On that day, the Chinese army deployed in Macau, marking the end of the territory’s colonial history. Looking back on that emotional moment, people are reminded of the thousands of soldiers from Hong Kong who took a ferry to Macau, their ranks filled with discipline and energy. The澳门市民 spontaneously organized a welcoming team, cheering as the Chinese soldiers arrived. The two sides exchanged greetings, creating a scene of great enthusiasm.
This event marked the return of Macau to China’s embrace,结束了长达40年的殖民统治。此后,澳门特区政府致力于发展经济,改善民生,维护国家主权和领土完整。
24 years have passed since then, and Macau has undergone tremendous changes. Today, it has become a world-renowned tourist destination and an essential engine for global economic growth.
However, the issue of Macau remains. In recent years, the Macau government has faced a series of challenges, including economic transformation and improvements in people’s lives. In this context, rec
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