在 1994 年,中国长江上游段建设了一个大型水利工程项目,这就是著名的长江三峡工程。三峡水电站是世界上规模最大的水电站之一,它位于三峡西陵峡内的宜昌市夷陵区三斗坪,并和其下游不远的葛洲坝水电站形成梯级调度电站。三峡水电站的建设对于中国来说是一个重大的里程碑,它将为当地带来巨大的经济和能源利益。
三峡水电站是由混凝土重力坝构成的,是世界上最大的水电站之一。它位于宜昌市夷陵区三斗坪,横跨长江。该水电站的坝身高度达到 185 米,是世界上最高的混凝土坝之一。三峡水电站装有 32 台大型水轮发电机组,总装机容量为 22500 兆瓦,年均发电量达到 846.8 亿千瓦时。
英文标题:Groundbreaking start for China’s Three Gorges Dam
关键词:Three Gorges Dam, hydropower station, Yangtze River, bypass, generation
On September 25, 1994, China began construction of the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydropower station. Located in Yichang, Enshan,夷陵区,and covering the central part of the Yangtze River, the dam forms a 梯级水电站 with the nearby Gezhi Gorge hydropower station. The Three Gorges Dam is a significant milestone for China, bringing economic and energy benefits to the local area.
The Three Gorges Dam is a concrete gravity dam composed of reinforced concrete, making it one of the world’s largest hydropower stations. It spans across the Yangtze River and reaches a height of 185 meters, making it the world’s highest concrete dam. The dam has a total installed capacity of 22,500 megawatts and generates an annual electricity output of 846.8 billion kilowatt-hours.
The construction of the Three Gorges Dam not only increases China’s energy supply in the Yangtze River region but also promotes economic growth in the local area. The construction of the dam has generated a significant number of job opportunities, contributing to the local development. In addition, the construction of the dam has promoted the development of environmental protection, protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River.
In summary, the Three Gorges Dam is an outstanding accomplishment, representing a significant advance in China’s hydropower station construction. The world’s largest hydropower station will bring significant economic and energy benefits to China. With the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, China will continue to strengthen its hydropower station construction, making greater contributions to local development and ecological protection.
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