今天是 2002 年 12 月 11 日,历史上的今天,著名京剧表演艺术家袁世海先生因病离世。袁世海先生是中国北京市人,出生于 1916 年 2 月 11 日,8 岁开始学习京剧,1927 年进入富连成戏班学习老生,后改学花脸。1934 年开始登台演出,1940 年拜郝寿臣为师,成为郝派传人。袁世海先生的表演以擅演曹操闻名,是京剧界的重要人物。
英文标题:Classic Beijing Opera Artist Yun Xihai Passed Away
On this day in history, the renowned Beijing opera performer Yun Xihai passed away. Yun Xihai was born in Beijing on February 11, 1916, and began learning traditional Chinese opera at the age of 8. He later studied traditional Chinese opera in 富连成戏班,并改学花脸。He began performing on stage in 1934 and was a disciple of the 郝寿臣 school. Yun Xihai’s performances were known for his portrayal of Cao Cao, and he was a significant figure in the world of traditional Chinese opera.
Yun Xihai devoted his life to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese opera art, and his acting skills and artistic achievements were widely appreciated by audiences. His passing is a great loss to the world of traditional Chinese opera, and we will always miss this outstanding performer.
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