陈天华(1875 年—1905 年 12 月 8 日),原名显宿,字星台,亦字过庭,别号思黄,湖南省新化县人,同盟会会员,清末革命烈士,近代革命家。1903 年留学日本,参与组织“拒俄义勇队”和“军国民教育会”,次年回国参与“华兴会”,筹备发动长沙起义。1905 年在东京成立中国同盟会湖南临时分会,并领导了反对清朝统治的革命活动。然而,在同年 12 月,陈天华在东京蹈海自绝,成为近代革命史上的一位英雄。
英文标题:Chén Tiānhuá——The Struggle and Sacrifice of a Revolutionary Martyr
英文翻译:On December 8, 1905, Chen Tianhua committed suicide by jumping into the sea in Tokyo, becoming a martyr of the Chinese revolution. He was a prominent figure in the Chinese 同盟会 and actively participated in anti-Qing revolutionary activities. However, just before the revolution was achieved, he chose to dedicate his life to the cause, succumbing to the ideal of the revolution. His death was a warning to the ruling class and a testament to the unwavering 信仰 in the face of revolution. Chen Tianhua’s legacy continues to inspire generations of revolutionaries, reminding them of the importance of struggle and sacrifice for the liberation of their nation and the sake of their country.
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