今天是芬兰著名作曲家西贝柳斯的诞辰 150 周年纪念日。西贝柳斯是民族主义音乐和浪漫主义音乐晚期的重要代表,他的音乐作品凝聚着炽热的爱国情怀。他的早年初学小提琴和音乐理论,毕业于赫尔辛基音乐学院,后赴柏林、维也纳进修。他的音乐风格深受浪漫主义音乐的影响,同时也融合了他自己的民族主义思想。西贝柳斯的作品不仅包括交响乐、合唱作品,还包括许多独奏曲,如《月亮》和《晨曦》等。他的音乐作品在世界各地都有广泛演奏和欣赏,是音乐史上不可忽视的重要人物。

英文标题:150th anniversary of Jean Sibelius’ birth: a master of nationalist music

关键词:Sibelius, nationalist music, romantic music, composer, musician

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Jean Sibelius, a renowned Finnish composer and master of nationalist music. Sibelius’ music reflects his passionate patriotism and is a late representative of nationalist and romantic music. His early training included playing the violin and music theory at the Helsinki Music Academy, followed by further studies in Berlin and Vienna. Sibelius’ music style was influenced by romanticism, but also incorporated his own nationalist thoughts. His works include symphonies, choral works, and many solo pieces, such as “Moon” and “Dawn.” His music is widely performed and admired around the world, and he is an important figure in music history.


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