在历史上,1926 年 12 月 5 日是一个值得铭记的日子。当时,郭松龄倒戈大军占领了锦州,而日本内阁也决定出兵东北,增援张作霖。在同日,日本内阁发表了第二号警告,严禁对南满铁路两侧以及离铁路 20 华里以内有直接战斗行为,并禁止对附属地治安有紊乱之虞的军事行动,否则一概缴械。18 日,关东军司令官。



On December 5th, 1926, the Japanese government decided to send troops to Manchuria to support Zhang ZhuLin, the warlord in the north. The same day, the Japanese government issued the second warning, prohibiting any military actions that could directly attack the South Manchurian Railway and the areas within 20 miles of the railway. The Japanese government threatened to mobilize the entire army if any violations of the warning were detected. The next day, the Japanese generalissimo in Manchuria, Yasuji Goemon,issued an order to occupy the city of Jingzhou.

This event marked the beginning of Japan’s 侵略 of China, with the South Manchurian Railway becoming the bridgehead for Japan’s conquest. In the face of Japan’s threat, the Chinese military and the anti-government army led by Guo Songlin began to fight back fiercely. Both sides suffered heavy losses in the battle, but the Japanese ultimately emerged victorious.

This event caused widespread outrage in the international community, with many countries expressing their condemnation of Japan’s 侵略 of China and calling for Japan to withdraw its troops from the country. However, Japan did not heed these calls and continued to occupy China, eventually leading to the outbreak of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the start of World War II.


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