11 月 28 日,由共青团中央、人力资源社会保障部主办的第十八届“振兴杯”全国青年职业技能大赛学生组全国决赛闭幕式在杭州举行。本次大赛旨在发掘和培养青少年的职业技能和创新能力,推动青少年全面发展。此次决赛共有来自全国各地的 200 支队伍参加,经过激烈的角逐,最终诞生了前 10 名选手。大赛还设置了多个专项人才政策,为获奖者提供就业、培训等支持,旨在激励更多青少年投身职业技能领域,实现自己的人生价值。
National youth Vocational skills competition student final closed in Hangzhou
Keywords: National youth Vocational skills competition, student final, vocational talent policy
News content:
On November 28th, the 18th National Vocational Skills Competition for Youth organized by the China Youth Federation and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security concluded in Hangzhou. The competition aimed to discover and cultivate the vocational skills and innovation capabilities of teenagers, promoting the comprehensive development of young people. There were more than 200 teams from all over the country participating in the competition, which was eventually won by the top 10 players. The competition also set up several special vocational talent policies, providing support for employment and training for the winners, in order to motivate more young people to pursue vocational skills and contribute to their personal development.
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