据中国地震台网官方微博消息,中国地震台网正式测定,北京时间 11 月 8 日 21 时 2 分,在班达海 (南纬 6.15 度,东经 129.95 度) 发生 6.7 级地震,震源深度 10 千米。此次地震的震中位于班达海周边,距离我国云南迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县约 800 公里,距离缅甸联邦约 250 公里。地震发生后,中国地震台网立即启动应急预案,多支地震救援队伍已前往震中附近地区进行救援工作。
此次地震的震级为 6.7 级,属于中强地震。地震发生时,震中地区出现明显震感,同时引发了一些山体滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害。据了解,此次地震对当地群众的生命财产造成了一定的威胁,但目前暂未收到人员伤亡的详细报告。
Earthquake measuring 6.7 magnitude strikes Banda Sea, deep beneath the sea
A 6.7-magnitude earthquake has struck Banda Sea, located some 800 kilometers west of Deqing, the capital of Lhasa prefecture in Qinghai, and about 250 kilometers south of Myanmar. The earthquake, with a depth of 10 kilometers, was officially determined by the China Earthquake Net. According to the information, several Earthquake rescue teams have been sent to the affected areas.
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