1998 年 11 月 9 日,八达岭高速公路二期工程竣工,与一期工程相衔接,使八达岭高速公路全线通车。这是一项重大的交通基础设施建设成果,为京郊及华北地区经济发展和人民生活提供了更加便捷的交通条件。

八达岭高速公路位于北京市延庆区境内,全长 60 公里,是京藏高速公路的重要组成部分。它的建设始于 1996 年,分为一期工程和二期工程。其中,二期工程历时一年零九个月完成,使全线通车。这次全线通车,将大大缩短京郊及华北地区与北京市之间的距离,促进区域经济发展和人民生活水平的提高。




The completion of the entire 八达岭高速公路 on November 9th, 1998 marks a significant milestone in the development of road infrastructure in China. With the connection of the first and second phases, the 60-km road has been put into operation, providing greater convenience for transportation and the economy in the Beijing suburbs and the surrounding areas.

Located in Yanqing County, Beijing, the Beijing-Zhangjiang Expressway is a crucial part of the Jingchuan-Lhasa Expressway. The construction of the project began in 1996 and was divided into two phases. The second phase took one year and nine months to complete, bringing the total length of the road to 60 kilometers and making the whole route open to traffic. This event significantly reduces the distance between the Beijing suburbs and the surrounding areas, as well as improving the living standards and economic development of these areas.

The completion of the entire 八达岭高速公路 on November 9th, 1998, is of great significance for enhancing the city’s regional 辐射 function and marks a new chapter in the development of China’s road infrastructure. This achievement also demonstrates the significant breakthrough in the construction of highways in our country, setting a solid foundation for future transportation development.


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