据沙特阿拉伯外交部 11 月 7 日发表的声明,苏丹武装部队和苏丹快速支援部队在沙特红海港口城市吉达达成一致,双方承诺开放人道主义走廊,为人道主义援助进入冲突地区提供便利。
Sudan’s armed forces and the Sudanese rapid support forces have reached an agreement in the Saudi Red Sea port city of Jiddah,承诺为人道主义行动提供便利。据沙特阿拉伯外交部 11 月 7 日发表的声明,双方达成一致后,人道主义走廊将会被打开,援助物资等将更容易地进入冲突地区。此次共识的达成,对于缓解苏丹内战及人道主义危机具有重要意义。
It is worth noting that the Sudanese armed forces and the Sudanese rapid support forces in the conflict area mainly provide armed protection for their respective political factions. The agreement to provide humanitarian assistance shows their cooperative attitude on the humanitarian issue.
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