1995 年 11 月 3 日,支志明成为中国第一位获得中国科学院院士头衔的港澳人士。他是一位在化学领域做出杰出贡献的科学家,毕业于香港大学化学系,并在中国科学院香港分会担任教授。支志明的研究主要集中在无机化学领域,他的杰出成就为港澳科技界树立了榜样。
Title: Prominent Hong Kong-born chemist 支志明 becomes first astronaut of Chinese Academy of Sciences
News content:
On November 3, 1995, Zhizhang Zhi, a prominent Hong Kong-born chemist, became the first Hong Kong citizen to be elected as a Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Hong Kong and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. He has been a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hong Kong Branch. Zhizhang Zhi’s research primarily focuses on inorganic chemistry, and his outstanding achievements have set an example for other Hong Kong and Chinese technology professionals.
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