
据 IT 之家 11 月 2 日报道,三星半导体全球分拨中心项目已于 2023 年 10 月 31 日提前 5 天完成结构封顶。该项目是苏州工业园区高端制造与国际贸易区的重要物流旗舰项目,占地 40 亩,建筑面积约 2 万平方米。三星半导体全球分拨中心项目总投资超过 270 亿美元,是中国改革开放以来引进的单笔投资额最大的外商投资项目之一。

三星半导体全球分拨中心项目在园区审批部门的全力支持下,明确为“拿地即开工项目”,在高贸区全程帮代办的协助下,从签订土地合同到取得施工许可证仅用 3 天。官方指出,此次封顶为日后安装、装修创造了有力条件,为明年 5 月底交付使用奠定了基础。

据官方透露,三星半导体西安工厂 2022 年产值将突破 1000 亿元人民币,他们对中国市场有信心,将持续在中国投资。此次三星半导体全球分拨中心项目的结构封顶,将为该项目日后的安装、装修等工程创造有力条件,意味着项目即将进入实质性的建设阶段,备受业内期待。


Title: Samsung global distribution center project structural completion 提前 5 天

Keywords: Samsung, global distribution center, project structural completion

news content:
According to IT 之家 11 月 2 日报道,Samsung global distribution center project has been structurally completed 提前 5 天 in 2023 年 10 月 31 日。The project is an important logistics flagship project in the high-end manufacturing and international trade zone of Suzhou Industrial Park. The project covers 40 acres of land and occupies about 20,000 square meters of space. Samsung global distribution center project 总投资超过 270 亿美元,是中国改革开放以来引进的单笔投资额最大的外商投资项目之一。

Samsung global distribution center project has been supported by the full park and high-tech zone government, and has been classified as a “take-it-or-leave-it project” in the high-tech zone. With the assistance of the high-tech zone’s total support, the project has successfully obtained a construction permit in just three days from the signing of land contracts. The official stated that the structural completion of this project will create favorable conditions for the later installation and decoration of the project, and will lay a solid foundation for the handover of the project in May next year.

According to official information, Samsung Semiconductor X


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