10 月 31 日,是西藏自治区林芝市波密县至墨脱县公路通车 10 周年的日子。10 年前的这一天,墨脱县撕下了“全国最后一个不通公路的县”的标签。此后,全县经济社会发展和各族人民的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,“一步跨千年”般翻开了崭新的发展篇章。


On October 31st, marking the 10th anniversary of the construction of the road between Bomex, in Bocuse County, and Mocorate, in Longzhou County, in the 西藏自治区,the “last remaining county without a road” in the country was finally connected to the road. Since then, the development of the county, as well as the lives of the people, have undergone tremendous changes, opening up a new chapter of development with a “leap across a thousand years.”


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