近日,备受玩家期待的经典游戏《轩辕剑叁:云和山的彼端》将于 12 月 8 日登陆任天堂 Switch 和微软商店,售价 14.99 美元。这款游戏由大宇资讯开发,承袭系列优美传统的国画风格,故事横跨整个欧亚大陆,贯穿法兰克、阿拉伯、中国三个文明,将历史舞台与中西神话完美结合。游戏荣获第三届玩家游戏金像奖“最佳美术”、“最佳音乐”、“玩家票选最佳游戏”三项大奖。自 7 月 26 日上线 Steam 以来,游戏备受玩家好评,是最受欢迎的华语游戏之一。《轩辕剑叁》的故事发生在东西方文化碰撞的一个时期,将许多世界历史上的大事件如怛罗斯之战、阿拉伯革命、安史之乱等穿插于剧情当中。玩家将遇到梅罗纹加军人、威尼斯水军、黑衣大食、大唐兵卒、道士等极具历史及地域特色的敌人,也会遭遇半人马、美杜莎、黑白无常、九天玄女等中西方神话内的奇幻生物。
《轩辕剑叁:云和山的彼端》将带来全新的游戏体验,让玩家深入体验到历史与神话的完美结合。游戏中的各种角色和场景设计都极富细节和表现力,玩家可以感受到游戏中蕴含的丰富情感和文化底蕴。此次登陆任天堂 Switch 和微软商店,相信《轩辕剑叁:云和山的彼端》将会成为更多玩家们期待已久的游戏作品。
英文标题:Honor of the Sword: A New Chapter in the Cloud and Mountains
英文翻译:The classic game Honor of the Sword: A New Chapter in the Cloud and Mountains will be released on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Store on December 8th, 2022, for $14.99. Developed bySoftstar Entertainment, Honor of the Sword features traditional Chinese artwork and tells a story that spans across the entire Europe and Asia, connecting the cultures of 法兰克、阿拉伯和中国。The game has won three awards at the Third Annual Player’s Game Awards: “Best Art,” “Best Music,” and “Player’s Choice Best Game.” Since its release on Steam on July 26th, 2022, the game has received positive reviews from players and has become one of the most popular Chinese-language games on Steam. Honor of the Sword takes place during a period of cultural exchange between the East and West, and features a variety of historical events and mythological creatures from both cultures. Players will encounter characters such as Malmute soldiers, Venetian water army, black robes, Tang Dynasty soldiers, and Taoist monks, as well as mythical creatures such as unicorns, Medusa, and the Ten-Day Queen.
The game offers players an exciting new gaming experience, allowing them to immerse themselves in the perfect combination of history and mythology. The game’s detailed character and scene designs showcase an abundance of detail and expressiveness, allowing players to feel the rich emotions and cultural depth within the game. With its release on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Store, Honor of the Sword: A New Chapter in the Cloud and Mountains is sure to become a highly anticipated game for players around the world.
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