据多家台湾媒体报道,31 日上午,多架解放军战机与山东舰在台灣所谓的东南应变区进行了海空联训。这是近期两岸关系紧张背景下,大陆对台湾采取的一种军事施压。

台媒报道称,这次联训为期约一个星期,其中包括了多架歼 -10、歼 -16 等先进战机的实战演练。演练区域位于台湾的东部海域,与大陆福建省隔海相望。



英文标题:Taiwan Media Reports on Large-Scale Air-Sea Exercise by Chinese Military Aircraft and Ship in East China Sea

英文翻译:Taiwanese media outlets report on a large-scale air-sea exercise in the East China Sea by Chinese military aircraft and a ship, which includes several advanced fighter jets. The exercise aims to enhance military trust between the two sides and serve as a warning to the Taiwanese government not to challenge the stability of cross-Strait relations. The Chinese side hopes to use this exercise to send a clear signal to Taiwan, warning against any provocations.


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