近日,辽宁沈阳的王先生准备上班,却发现自己的爱车 3 个车轮被人偷走。王先生报警后,民警将嫌疑人侯某抓获。嫌疑人称,家里有个闲置的,所以只偷了 3 个。据警方介绍,嫌疑人之前也曾因盗窃车内物品被警方处理过。目前,案件仍在进一步调查中。
A man discovered that three of his car’s wheels were stolen while he was preparing to go to work. The police arrested a suspect named 侯某。The suspect said that there was an unused one at home, so only three wheels were stolen. According to the police, the suspect has a history of stealing car accessories. The case is still under investigation.
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