10 月 23 日,有网友爆料称,湖北襄阳市诸葛亮中学(原襄阳市三十二中学)七年级的一位老师在批改作业时,给学生写下评语「全班最差,你是孤儿吗?没人管吗?」这种表达方式让人难以接受。襄阳市诸葛亮中学办公室工作人员回应,该校将会立即调查此事,如有这种情况,将会约谈这名老师。这样的行为严重违反了教师职业道德和法律法规,需要严肃处理。
编译:The teacher wrote insulting comments on the student’s work,the school will investigate
编译:The school office staff said that they would investigate the matter seriously and take effective measures to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. Meanwhile, the school would also strengthen the training of teachers and improve their quality, creating a good education environment.
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