1. 小鹏汽车发布全新车型 X9 的设计图,旨在打开“年轻态”MPV 市场,新车计划在第四季度上市。
2. 设计图显示,新车采用大量的折线设计,外观线条棱角分明,后半部分采用 MPV 车型中较为罕见的溜背式造型,拥有较大的倾斜角度。
3. 尾部方面,新车采用了多层次的尾部设计,贯穿式尾灯区域从车尾一直延伸到车身两侧,造型夸张。
4. 该车长宽高分别为5293/1988/1785mm,轴距为3160mm,配备前后双电机,最大功率分别为235kW、135kW。
1. Xiaopeng Auto releases the design of its new model X9, aimed at the “young and dynamic” MPV market, and plans to launch the vehicle in the fourth quarter of this year.
2. The design 图 shows that the new car uses a lot of curved lines, with sharp corners and a unique slant-back design in the back half of the MPV, giving it a large inclination angle.
3. In the rear section, the new car uses a multi-leveled rear design, with an integrated 贯穿式 taillight area that extends from the rear of the car to both sides of the body, creating an exaggerated appearance.
4. The vehicle’s length, width, and height are 5293mm, 1988mm, and 1785mm, respectively, with a wheelbase of 3160mm. It is equipped with two electric motors, with 最大功率分别为 235kW and 135kW.
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