据封面报道,3 月 20 日,湖北省宜昌市发生一起化粪池事故,造成该地 5 人死亡。当地政府正在全力救援被困人员,但目前已有 4 名营救人员不幸遇难。
英文标题:5 people die in sewage pit accident in Jiangxi 宜昌
关键词:宜昌,sewage pit,death,rescue
On March 20th, a sewage pit accident occurred in Yichang city, Hubei Province, China, which resulted in the death of five people. Local authorities are currently working tirelessly to rescue those trapped in the pit, but unfortunately, four of them have passed away.
The accident happened during the process of sewage pit cleaning when the cleaning workers became trapped in the pit. The local government immediately dispatched rescue teams to the scene, but due to the high temperature in the pit, the rescue workers have also reported discomfort. The local government is currently trying to find a solution to the problem.
The accident has attracted widespread attention from the public, with many netizens expressing their deep condolences. Meanwhile, the local government has urged the public not to go to the scene,以免 affecting the rescue operation. The cause of the accident is currently being further investigated.
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