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碧桂园 10 月 19 日声明称,公司关注到有谣言称“创始人父女或已离境”,该谣言被别有用心地发布在多个网络平台,造成恶劣影响。该公司创始人和集团董事会主席目前在国内正常工作。该公司衷心感谢大家在困难时期的关注、支持和理解,但对恶意造谣行径保留追究责任。





Title: Developer’s daughter and father not in hiding, says company

Keywords: Country, Developers, daughter, hiding, rumors


Country-based developer Polytech issued a statement on October 19th to address a rumor that spread online claiming that the developer’s daughter and father have left the country. The rumor caused significant negative impact on the company’s reputation. However, the developer and the head of the company’s board of directors are currently working normally in the country. The company thanked the public for their support and understanding during difficult times and stated that it will 保留追究恶意造谣者的责任。The rumor about the developer’s daughter and father leaving the country was not true, and the company clarified the issue to restore its reputation.


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