据新华社报道,近日,天津市滨海新区人民法院审结了一起购买会员即可破解“青少年模式”的不正当竞争案。原告深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司、腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司、腾讯数码(天津)有限公司共同运营的“腾讯视频”及“腾讯 NOW 直播”,App 内设置了“青少年模式”,打开首页即会有弹窗提示。据 App 的服务协议约定,用户不得干涉、破坏涉案软件的正常运行,不得增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,不得实施任何危害未成年人的行为。
被告北京某公司运营的 App 以“广告拦截自动跳过启动页广告”为卖点,吸引用户安装,随后强制要求用户对其软件开启“无障碍权限”,得以直接读取用户手机屏幕上的内容和控制屏幕,获悉用户的操作行为并自动执行操作。该 App 将“青少年模式”弹框自动关闭功能作为“会员尊享特权”之一,并以“限时免费”为噱头,引导用户选择开启该功能。一旦开启,用户再打开“腾讯视频”及“腾讯 NOW 直播”等网络音视频软件时,该 App 则会自动跳过或屏蔽“青少年模式”的入口弹窗,使得用户无法通过首页提示使用“青少年模式”。
法院经审理认为,被诉行为既违反了未成年人保护的相关法律规定以及相关监管部门的指导意见,又损害了其他经营者的竞争利益和消费者的合法权益,其跳过、屏蔽“青少年模式”入口弹窗功能覆盖了网络音视频领域多款第三方应用软件,导致保护未成年人的功能设计落空,破坏了公平竞争的市场秩序和行业生态,构成不正当竞争。考虑到原告产品具有较高知名度,在青少年群体中影响较大,其“青少年模式”系践行未成年人防沉迷系统的有益尝试,涉案被诉行为严重影响了原告公司和消费者的合法权益;且被告行为具有明显的商业目的,该 App 在多个应用市场上架,下载次数多、持续时间长、用户群体大,主观过错较大;该 App 的屏蔽模式适用范围大,对社会公共利益的影响等因素。法院判决被告赔偿原告 300 万元的经济损失。
该案宣判后,原、被告均未上诉,达成执行前和解,现已履行。法官表示,对屏蔽“青少年模式”的不正当竞争行为应予以严厉打击,为未成年人营造风清气正的互联网环境。同时,家长也应警惕此类不法 App 使“青少年模式”落空,应加强对未成年人的教育引导,自身也应强化认知。
据《中国未成年人互联网运用报告(2022)》,未成年人近半年内的上网率达 99.9%,使用短视频软件比例超过六成。
Title: “Legal action taken against company for bypassing ‘Minor’ mode
Keywords: Minor mode, unfair competition, Tencent, compensation
News content:
According to reports from the Xinhua News Agency, a recent case of unfair competition, in which a company bypassed the “Minor” mode, has been judged by the People’s Court in Jingzhou District, Hebei Province. The plaintiff, Shenzhen 腾讯计算机系统有限公司,and its branches, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and Tencent Digital (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., operate the “Tencent Video” and “Tencent NOW Live” apps, which contain the “Minor” mode. The homepage will display a pop-up window to remind users of the “Minor” mode. According to the service agreement of the app, users are prohibited from interfering with, destroying, or modifying the normal operation of the software, and from taking any actions that may harm minors.
The defendant, Beijing-based company, promotes its app by highlighting the “Auto-Skip Launch Page Advertising” feature, which attracted users to install the app. It then required users to enable the “Unable to Accessibility Permission” feature for the app, allowing it to read, control, and automatically execute operations directly on users’ mobile phones. The app uses the “Minor” pop-up window automatic-close feature as a “会员尊享特权” and promotes it as a “Limited Time Free” offer, encouraging users to enable the feature. Once enabled, the app will automatically skip or block the “Minor” pop-up window when users open “Tencent Video” and “Tencent NOW Live” or other internet audio-video software, making it impossible for users to use the “Minor” mode.
The court found that the conduct of bypassing the “Minor” mode violated
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