1998 年 10 月 15 日,来自海内外的近万名太极拳爱好者聚集在天安门广场,共同纪念邓小平题词“太极拳好”20 周年和中国武术协会成立 40 周年。这场规模空前的太极拳表演,吸引了近千名国内外媒体记者的关注。

太极拳是中国武术的重要组成部分,已有 400 多年的历史。自 1978 年邓小平题词“太极拳好”以来,太极拳得到了更广泛的认可和传播。此次表演旨在纪念这一具有重大历史意义的事件,并展示太极拳的魅力和精髓。

在这场表演中,近万名太极拳爱好者分为 20 个方阵,按照传统太极拳的各个动作和姿态,在天安门广场展示了太极拳的魅力。表演者身着太极拳服,动作精准、缓慢,但精神饱满、气势磅礴,吸引了观众们的热烈掌声。

此次表演得到了国内外媒体的高度关注。来自华尔街日报、纽约时报等国际媒体称赞了表演的规模和精彩程度,认为这是中国武术协会 40 年来的一次盛大的庆典。同时,国内媒体也对这场表演进行了详细报道,强调了太极拳在文化交流和传承中的重要性。



Title: commemorating Deng Xiaoping’s “Taichung” comment, taichung performance is huge success

Keywords: commemorating, Deng Xiaoping, taichung, performance

News content:

On October 15th, 1998, nearly 10,000 taichung practitioners gathered at the Heavenly Gate Square in Beijing, where they held a grand taichung performance to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s comment, “Taichung is good,” and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the China Taekung Kung Fu Association. This performance, with its scale and grandeur, attracted the attention of nearly 1,000 domestic and foreign media journalists.

Taichung is one of the most important styles of Chinese martial arts, with a history of more than 400 years. Since 1978, when Deng Xiaoping commented, “Taichung is good,” taichung has gained more widespread recognition and dissemination. The performance aimed to commemorate this significant historical event and showcase the essence and charm of taichung.

At the performance, 10,000 taichung practitioners were divided into 20 formations, demonstrating various moves and postures of taichung in perfect harmony. The practitioners wore taichung uniforms, performing with precision and patience, but also with energy and momentum, attracting a round of applause from the audience.

The performance received high attention from both domestic and foreign media. Foreign media, such as the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, praised the scale and excellence of the performance, describing it as a grand celebration for the China Taekung Kung Fu Association’s 40th anniversary. Meanwhile, domestic media also extensively covered the event, emphasizing the importance of taichung in cultural exchange and inheritance.

Taichung performance is not only a form of martial arts, but also a spiritual experience. Through this performance, audiences can feel the essence and philosophy of Chinese traditional culture and philosophy, as well as the vitality and charm of taichung in modern society.


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