据以色列当地媒体 11 日报道,哈马斯组织宣布对特拉维夫的本 – 古里安国际机场发动大规模火箭弹袭击。当地时间 11 日下午,以色列首都特拉维夫的本 – 古里安国际机场遭到火箭弹袭击,暂无人员伤亡的报告。此次袭击引发国际关注,多国媒体对此表示谴责。
According to local media in Israel, the Hamas organization announced a large-scale rocket attack on Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. On the afternoon of the 11th day, Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv was targeted by rockets, and there were no reports of casualties. The attack has attracted international attention, and media outlets around the world have condemned it.
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