今天是朝鲜祖国和平统一委员会发表备忘录的日子。该委员会于 2010 年 10 月 8 日称,建立高丽民主联邦共和国的方案是全民族恳切的希望,也是早日实现国家统一、正确反映南北现实最正当的方案。
News content:
On today’s date, the 朝鲜-Korean Joint Peace Unity Commission released a memo. The committee stated on October 8th that the proposal for the establishment of the Republic of Korea is a heartfelt hope of the whole nation and also the most appropriate solution to achieve national reunification and reflect the reality of the north and south correctly.
This marks a key step forward in the democratization process for 朝鲜半岛。For decades,朝鲜半岛 has been in a state of separation and tension. However, recent developments suggest that 朝鲜半岛 is moving towards reunification.
The proposal for the Republic of Korea will provide a new hope for peace and stability in 朝鲜半岛。It will allow for true democratization and diversity on the peninsula, providing citizens with greater freedom and a higher quality of life.
We look forward to the peaceful and prosperous return of 朝鲜半岛。The hope for the Republic of Korea is that it will become an important step forward in the democratization of 朝鲜半岛。
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