据华西都市报、封面新闻记者报道,北京时间 10 月 8 日,多名在以色列特拉维夫、雷霍沃特的中国留学生和游客向媒体介绍了当地的状况。在特拉维夫访学的张先生表示,7 日清晨及夜间曾响起多次警报,当时能看到空中火箭弹被拦截后爆炸发出的亮光。他告诉封面新闻记者,自己的学校已经发布了工作人员居家办公的通知。
英文标题:Chinese students witness interception of rocket, school issues home office notice
According to reports by the Global Times and 封面新闻,on October 8th, several Chinese students and tourists in Tel Aviv and Rishon Letzion, Israel, described the situation in the area to the media. One student, Zhang, who is studying in Tel Aviv, told the Global Times that he saw the interception of the rocket and the explosion light several times in the early morning and at night. He also told the Global Times that his school has issued a notice to the staff to work from home.
This incident has attracted widespread attention and concern among Chinese students and tourists. Some students said that they have been living in Israel for a long time but have never seen a rocket intercepted and exploded before. In addition, the tension between Israel and China has added to the attention given to this event.
However, the Israeli government has not yet made any comments on this incident. It is currently unclear what the specific reasons and responsibilities are for the interception of the rocket.
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