据上海市公安局浦东分局官方微博消息,上海浦东警方发布一则通报:10 月 4 日 18 时 40 分许,一对夫妇到浦东公安分局临港新城派出所求助,称其 4 岁的女儿在海边游玩时走失。上海警方通报女童海滩失联:初步排除被他人带离可能。

The police in Shanghai have issued a statement about the disappearance of a 4-year-old girl at a beach. According to the Shanghai 公安局浦东分局官方微博,the police have released a statement to say that a couple came to the Yinggang 新城派出所 of the 浦东公安分局 to report that their 4-year-old daughter went missing while playing on the beach. The police have said that they have so far ruled out the possibility that the girl was taken away by others.

据上海市公安局浦东分局官方微博报道,上海浦东警方发布了一份通报:10 月 4 日 18 时 40 分许,一对夫妇来到浦东公安分局临港新城派出所求助,称其 4 岁的女儿在海滩上玩耍时失踪了。警方表示,他们已经初步排除了女孩被他人带走的可能。


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