据国家地震台网官方微博消息,中国地震台网正式测定:10 月 4 日 19 时 21 分(北京时间)在菲律宾棉兰老岛附近海域 (北纬 5.40 度,东经 126.25 度) 发生 6.4 级地震,震源深度为 120 千米。这是菲律宾棉兰老岛近期发生的第二场强震,上一次地震发生于 9 月 22 日,震级为 6.0 级。此次地震震中距离菲律宾首都马尼拉约 200 公里,距离棉兰老岛首府达沃约 400 公里。地震发生后,当地震感强烈,一些地区出现震塌和泥石流等次生灾害。目前,当地政府和救援人员正在展开抢险救援工作,尚未有人员伤亡报告。

A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of the Mindanao Island in the Philippines on October 4, according to the official website of the Chinese Earthquake Bureau. The quake, with a depth of 120 kilometers, occurred at 7:21 p.m.北京时间 on October 4 in the waters off the coast of Mindanao Island, with a latitude of 5.40 degrees North and longitude of 126.25 degrees East. This is the second major earthquake to hit Mindanao Island in recent times, with the last one occurring on September 22, 2021, with a magnitude of 6.0. The epicenter of the earthquake was 200 kilometers away from the capital of the Philippines, Manila, and 400 kilometers away from the capital of Mindanao Island,达沃。After the earthquake, strong tremors were felt in the area, and some areas were hit by landslides and debris flow. The local government and rescue teams are currently working to respond to the disaster and have not reported any casualities.


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