据隔夜美股大幅调整,道指抹平年内涨幅后,周三(10 月 4 日)亚太市场跟随下挫。截至发稿,韩国综指、日经 225 指数跌幅均超过 2%。MSCI 亚太指数跌超 1%,年内累跌超 10%,迈向技术性熊市。

受朝鲜半岛局势紧张、美国总统特朗普与朝鲜领导人金正恩的会晤等多种因素影响,韩股和日股遭受重挫。此外,MSCI 亚太指数也受到亚太市场下跌的影响,跌幅超过 1%。



As the U.S. stock market closed flat on Wednesday, following a sharp decline in the technology sector, the Asia-Pacific market also weakened, with both South Korean and Japanese stock indices experiencing more than 2% losses. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell more than 1%, with a yearly decline of over 10%, moving towards a technical bearish trend.

The decline in South Korean and Japanese stocks, along with the weakening of the MSCI Asia Pacific Index, was largely due to geopolitical tensions on the Korean peninsula, as well as the meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

A technical bearish trend refers to a reversal in the technical analysis of the stock prices, which can potentially last for a prolonged period. In such a situation, investors are advised to remain cautious and take steps to manage risks, in order to avoid further losses.


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