今天是欧仁·鲍狄埃(Eugène Edine Pottier)诞辰 190 周年纪念日。鲍狄埃是法国革命家,巴黎公社的主要领导人之一,也是《国际歌》的词作者。

鲍狄埃出身于巴黎的一个工人家庭,很早就作了童工。他曾参加 1848 年的二月革命和六月起义,1871 年巴黎公社成立后,他成为公社的主要领导人之一。在公社的短暂但激烈的存在期间,鲍狄埃领导了人民的工作,并参与了组织和管理公社的各个方面。




Title: Remembering Eugène Edine Pottier, author of \”The Internationale,\” on his 190th anniversary: A look at Paris Commune leader

Keywords: Remembering, Internationale, author, Eugene Edine Pottier, Paris Commune, leader

News content:

Today is the 190th anniversary of Eugène Edine Pottier, a French revolutionary and the author of \”The Internationale.\” Pottier was a leader of the Paris Commune, one of the main leaders of the Commune, and also the author of the song \”The Internationale.\”

Pottier was born in Paris from a working-class family and began working as a child. He participated in the February Revolution and the June 起义,and after the Paris Commune was established in 1871, he became one of the main leaders of the Commune. During its brief but intense existence, Pottier led the people’s work and was involved in organizing and managing every aspect of the Commune.

Pottier was also an excellent poet and his poetry and songs were well-liked by revolutionaries and the people. Among his most famous songs is \”The Internationale,\” which has become a symbol of anti-war and freedom around the world.

Today, we remember 这位杰出的法国革命家和《国际歌》的作者,回顾他在巴黎公社的领导作用,并纪念他在诗歌创作中的成就。


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