10 月 3 日,杭州亚运会将进入第 10 个比赛日的争夺,28 枚金牌将在跳水、田径、拳击、皮划艇、公路自行车、蹦床、围棋以及攀岩等项目中产生。其中,跳水 2 枚、田径 10 枚、拳击 2 枚、皮划艇 6 枚、公路自行车 2 枚、蹦床 1 枚、围棋 2 枚、攀岩 2 枚、举重 1 枚。

本次比赛涵盖了多个项目,每个项目都有可能诞生金牌得主。在田径方面,中国女足女篮将冲击决赛,与全红婵进行 PK。而在攀岩和举重等项目中,也将有众多选手展开激烈的角逐。


英文标题:Focus on the 10th day of the Hangzhou Asian Games, with 28 gold medals up for grabs
关键词:Hangzhou Asian Games, 10th day, 28 gold medals


10 月 3 日,杭州亚运会将进入第 10 个比赛日的争夺。在本次比赛中,共决出 28 枚金牌,分布在跳水、田径、拳击、皮划艇、公路自行车、蹦床、围棋以及攀岩等项目中。其中,跳水 2 枚、田径 10 枚、拳击 2 枚、皮划艇 6 枚、公路自行车 2 枚、蹦床 1 枚、围棋 2 枚、攀岩 2 枚、举重 1 枚。

本次比赛涵盖了多个项目,每个项目都有可能诞生金牌得主。在田径方面,中国女足女篮将冲击决赛,与全红婵进行 PK。而在攀岩和举重等项目中,也将有众多选手展开激烈的角逐。



On October 3rd, the Hangzhou Asian Games will enter the 10th day of competition. In this competition, a total of 28 gold medals will be decided in the 跳水,track and field, boxing, canoeing, road cycling, springboard, badminton, chess, and rock climbing. Among them, 2 gold medals in diving, 10 gold medals in track and field, 2 gold medals in boxing, 6 gold medals in canoeing, 2 gold medals in road cycling, 1 gold medal in springboard, 2 gold medals in chess, and 2 gold medals in rock climbing.

This competition covers multiple disciplines, where each project has the potential to produce a gold medalist. In track and field, China’s women’s soccer team will face off against world champion Guanhui in the final. Meanwhile, in rock climbing and weightlifting, many athletes will also participate in fierce battles.

In addition, the chess project is also of great attention, as world champion Li Na will face off against other players. Overall, this competition includes 金牌争夺战,值得期待。


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