据初步核实,10 月 1 日 14 时左右,山西省吕梁市离石区发生一起山体滑坡,导致 5 人被困。目前,救援工作正在积极进行中。此次山体滑坡发生在一个较为偏远的地区,当地政府及救援人员正在全力组织营救。被困人员包括 3 名男性、2 名女性,目前仍被困在滑坡现场。据了解,此次山体滑坡发生时,当地的气温较高,土壤较为松散,导致山体滑坡的发生。

A landslide occurred around 14:00 on October 1st in Lvliang County, Liudong District, Lvliang City, in Shanxi Province, China. According to preliminary inquiries, 5 people were trapped. The rescue operation is ongoing. The landslide happened in a remote area, and the local government and rescue team are working hard to organize the rescue. The trapped people include 3 men and 2 women, who are still trapped in the landslide site. It is understood that the landslide occurred when the temperature was high and the soil was loose, leading to the disaster.


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