1991 年 8 月 31 日,中国和文莱在新加坡签署了建交协议,正式建立了外交关系。文莱,全名文莱达鲁萨兰国,位于婆罗洲北岸,南中国海南岸,亚洲东南部。属热带雨林气候,炎热多雨。年均气温 28℃。整个国土被马来西亚所分割、环绕。文莱是个以原油和天然气为主要支柱的国家,总产值几乎占整个国家国内生产总值 50%。在东南亚地区,文莱是一个重要的石油输出国,其经济高度依赖石油和天然气的开采和出口。
On August 31, 1991, China and Brunei signed the agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations. Brunei, also known as Brunei Darussalam, is located on the northern coast of Borneo Island and the southeastern coast of Malaysia. With a tropical rainforest climate, it is hot and humid. The average temperature is 28°C. The entire country is divided and surrounded by Malaysia. Brunei is a major oil-producing country in Southeast Asia, with its economy heavily dependent on the extraction and export of oil and natural gas.
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