9 月 25 日晚,驻斐济使馆在苏瓦市举行庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74 周年的盛大招待会,盛况空前。海水涌动,椰风习习,五星红旗高高飘扬。太平洋大酒店内灯光璀璨,宾朋满座,来自中国和斐济的各界人士欢聚一堂,共同庆祝这个历史性的时刻。
招待会上,斐济总统卡托尼韦雷、代理总理加沃卡、副总理卡米卡米加、副总理普拉卡纳等政府官员分别致辞,对中国驻斐济大使馆为两国友好关系所做出的努力表示赞赏。他们表示,在过去的 74 年里,中国经济和外交取得了举世瞩目的成就,为全球经济增长和繁荣作出了巨大贡献。
Title: Celebrating 74 Years of the People’s Republic of China at the Sawa Hotel in Fiji
Keywords: 74th anniversary, People’s Republic of China, Sawa Hotel, Fiji
News Content:
On the evening of September 25th, the Chinese embassy in Suva, Fiji, held a grand celebration in honor of the 74th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. The event was attended by guests from China and Fiji, as well as representatives from the government of Fiji, who praised the efforts of the Chinese embassy in promoting friendly relations between the two countries.
The officials acknowledged that China’s economy and foreign relations have achieved remarkable success over the past 74 years, contributing to global economic growth and prosperity. They expressed their gratitude for the embassy’s role in promoting cultural exchange and friendship between China and Fiji.
The grand celebration included a variety of cultural performances and food displays, attracting local residents and tourists to attend. The embassy also offered a range of Chinese culture courses for local students, further enhancing the friendly relationship between the two countries.
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