近日,知名游戏平台Steam Deck公布了2023年12月玩家游玩时长前20名的游戏。其中,《博德之门3》再度荣登榜首,实现“五连冠”。此外,《赛博朋克2077》、《潜水员戴夫》等热门游戏也纷纷上榜。此次榜单不仅展示了玩家们喜爱的游戏,也揭示了游戏市场的热门趋势。
此外,Steam平台上的独立游戏《潜水员戴夫》表现出色,截至2023年12月,游戏销量已突破300万份。此次,《潜水员戴夫》还荣获了Steam 2023年“轻松惬意奖”。
在2023年Steam大奖评选中,《博德之门3》荣获年度最佳游戏奖,《荒野大镖客:救赎2》获得爱的付出奖,《霍格沃茨之遗》拿下最佳Steam Deck游戏奖。其他获奖游戏还包括《Labyrinthine》、《致命公司》、《原子之心》等。
News title: Steam Deck reveals most popular games in December
Keywords: Steam Deck, most popular games, Baldur’s Gate 3
News content:
Recently, the well-known gaming platform Steam Deck announced the top 20 most played games in December 2023. Among them, Baldur’s Gate 3 topped the list again, achieving a “five-time championship”. In addition, other popular games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Divekick also appeared on the list. This ranking not only showcases the games loved by players but also reveals the latest trends in the gaming market.
In addition, the independent game Divekick performed exceptionally well on the Steam platform, with sales exceeding 3 million copies by December 2023. This time, Divekick also won the “Casual Fun Award” on Steam 2023.
At the 2023 Steam Awards, Baldur’s Gate 3 won the Best Game of the Year Award, Red Dead Redemption 2 received the Award for Love and Devotion, and Hogwarts Legacy won the Best Steam Deck Game Award. Other award-winning games include Labyrinthine, Dead Cells, and Atomic Heart.
The newly announced game rankings and awards provide players with the latest updates and excellent choices in the gaming market for 2023. Whether on home consoles or mobile devices, these award-winning games offer a diverse range of gaming experiences.
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