中新网北京消息(记者 张尼),6月5日,针对自身的身份标签,蔡磊在接受中新网专访时谦虚表示:“我不是药神,我也不是英雄。”
News Title: Cai Lei Modestly Refutes the Heroic Aura: The Hero to Overcome ALS Should Be the Joint Effort of the Era
The title is concise and highlights Cai Lei’s modest attitude and understanding of the heroism in overcoming ALS, echoing the news theme.
Keywords: 1. Exclusive Interview with Cai Lei
News Content: Exclusive Interview with China News Service: Cai Lei Modestly Refutes Being a Hero, Stressing the Need for Collective Effort in Overcoming ALS
Beijing, China News Service (Reporter Zhang Ni), June 5 – In response to his own identity label, Cai Lei modestly stated in an exclusive interview with China News Service, “I am not a medicine god, nor a hero.”
Cai Lei further elaborated on his views, stating that if there is a hero in the future in overcoming ALS, that hero is the scientists, medical experts, biotech companies, pharmaceutical companies, and people from all walks of life who care and devote themselves, as well as the patient population. He emphasized that this is a result of collective efforts, not personal achievements.
Cai Lei’s remarks demonstrate a modest and pragmatic attitude, while also highlighting his deep understanding and knowledge of major medical challenges such as overcoming ALS. He is well aware that this is a problem that requires collective wisdom and effort, not one that can be solved by individual effort. His views encourage more people to participate in this great cause and make efforts to overcome ALS and other challenges.
This exclusive interview showcases Cai Lei’s emphasis on social responsibility and collective strength, as well as his determination to move forward in promoting progress in the medical and health field. We look forward to more people with aspirations and strength joining this great fight in the future.
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