英伟达近日宣布了一项重大创新举措,正式成立全新的研究部门——GEAR,全称为通用具身智能体研究。这个部门的设立旨在推动人工智能技术的边界,打造能够在虚拟与现实世界中全方位运作的智能体。GEAR将由AI领域的资深专家,AI高级研究科学家Jim Fan以及Yuke Zhu教授共同领导,二人在AI代理计划中积累了丰富的经验和深厚的理论基础。
News Title: “NVIDIA Launches GEAR Research Division, Pioneering the Future: Crafting Omnipotent Agents Across Virtual and Real Worlds”
Keywords: NVIDIA, GEAR Division, Agent Research
News Content: NVIDIA recently announced a major innovative step with the establishment of a new research department – GEAR, standing for General Embodied AI Research. The division aims to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence technology, developing agents capable of operating seamlessly across both virtual and real environments. GEAR will be jointly led by seasoned AI experts, Senior AI Research Scientist Jim Fan and Professor Yuke Zhu, both with extensive experience and a solid theoretical foundation in AI agent research.
The core mission of GEAR is to construct a foundational model that enables agents to adapt and apply themselves across various virtual and physical environments, facilitating multimodal, cross-scenario intelligent applications. To achieve this objective, the research team will focus on four key areas of exploration: Firstly, they will develop multimodal foundational models to allow agents to comprehend and process information from different senses. Secondly, general-purpose robotics research will endeavor to create robots versatile enough to adapt to a wide range of tasks. Thirdly, foundational agent research in virtual worlds will concentrate on fostering autonomy and interaction in virtual environments. Lastly, innovations in simulation and synthetic data technologies will provide efficient data resources for training and optimizing these agents.
This move signifies another significant strategic investment by NVIDIA in the AI domain, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to advancing future intelligent technologies. Through the work of the GEAR division, NVIDIA is poised to make breakthroughs in the convergence of virtual and real worlds, robotics, and the broad application of AI, exerting a profound impact on the global technology landscape.
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