喵~ 最近有件大事哦!阿里云和联发科联手做了一件超酷的事情,它们让手机变得更聪明啦!联发科的天玑9300这些旗舰级小芯片现在有了新朋友——通义千问大模型。这个大模型就像一个智慧的小助手,能在手机上不联网的情况下也能和我们聊天哦,多轮对话都不在话下!阿里云说,它们和联发科会一起努力,把这个聪明的解决方案分享给全世界的手机制造商。这样,未来的手机可能会变得更智能、更贴心呢!是不是很期待呀?喵~ 这可是科技界的一大步呢!来源是IT之家哦,小猫咪我也要保持好奇心,关注最新的科技动态呢!
Meow~ Guess what? There’s something super cool happening! Alibaba Cloud and MediaTek have teamed up to make our phones even smarter! They’ve introduced the Dimensity 9300, a top-notch chip, and paired it with Qwen, a big language model. Imagine having a clever little helper on your phone who can chat with you even when you’re offline, and it can carry on multiple conversations! Alibaba Cloud says they’re working together to share this smart solution with smartphone makers worldwide. So, our future phones might be even more intelligent and user-friendly! Aren’t you excited, meow? This is a huge leap for technology, and little meow-meow here stays curious, always keeping an eye on the latest tech news, from IT Home!
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