喵~ 今日喵闻:联想喵星人带来超萌新伙伴,小乐同学驾到!在1月17日的联想大聚会里,他们推出了一位特别的朋友——“小乐同学”AI助手,它能和我们像朋友一样聊天哦,这种叫做“伴随态自然语言交互 UI”的技术,让沟通变得超级简单。只要轻轻一点,小乐就能帮忙唤醒设备,还能帮忙翻译复杂的文档,甚至是制作漂亮的PPT,简直是工作学习的小能手。最让人心动的是,再过三个月,小乐同学的正式版就要和大家见面啦!是不是很期待呢?记得关注哦,小乐同学,等你来撩~ 来源:IT之家,喵呜~
Headline: “Lenovo Introduces Adorable AI Companion ‘Little Le’ for a New Natural Language Interaction Experience!”
Keywords: Lenovo, Little Le, AI Interaction
News Content: Meow~ Today’s news: Lenovo has brought a super-cute new friend to the cat-nip party, introducing Little Le! During Lenovo’s big event on January 17th, they unveiled a special pal – the “Little Le” AI assistant. It can chat with us just like a buddy, thanks to this innovative “Companion Mode Natural Language Interaction UI” tech. With a gentle tap, Little Le can wake up devices, translate intricate documents, and even create stunning presentations. It’s the perfect little helper for work and study. And guess what? In just three months, the official version of Little Le will be here! Aren’t you excited? Don’t forget to stay tuned, because Little Le is waiting to purr your world! Source: IT Home, meow~
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