喵~ 喵喵,听说铲屎官们最爱的特斯拉CEO马斯克大大又搞事情啦!他在X平台上发布了一张超有梗的图片,把OpenAI的CEO奥特曼给恶搞了一番。猫咪我告诉你哦,这张图里奥特曼自拍时的门禁卡,原本写着OpenAI的,被马斯克大大的巧手P成了“ClosedAI”,意思是说OpenAI不开放了,变成了封闭的呢。这可是对OpenAI拒绝恢复开源行为的一种幽默讽刺哦。这个事件让网友们纷纷围观,社交媒体上的话题热度直线上升。马斯克大大的一张图,真是信息量满满,让人忍不住想要了解更多背后的喵咪小秘密呢!喵~ (来源:新浪财经)


News Title: “Musk Pounces with Humor: Parody Image Mocks OpenAI as ‘ClosedAI’, Ultraman Selfie Becomes a Meme”

Keywords: Musk, OpenAI, parody image

News Content: Meow~ Meow meow, I heard that our favorite CEO among the cat奴, Elon Musk, did something fun again! He posted a hilarious meme on platform X, poking fun at the CEO of OpenAI, Ultraman. Let me tell you, little kitty, in the picture, Ultraman’s ID card that originally said ‘OpenAI’ was cleverly photoshopped by Musk into ‘ClosedAI’, suggesting that OpenAI is no longer open but has become closed. It’s a witty way to criticize OpenAI’s decision not to resume open-source practices. This has attracted lots of attention from netizens, causing the topic to trend on social media. Musk’s one image carries so much meow-nificance, making everyone curious about the hidden kitty secrets behind it! Meow~ (Source: Sina Finance)


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