喵~ 微软的全新商业工具Copilot最近喵声一响,吸引了众多大公司的注意呢!这款专为大型企业设计的智能助手,每年的入门费用可是相当“喵呜”一声的——至少要10.8万美元哦。不过呢,想用上Copilot的Microsoft 365商业用户,还得满足一个小条件:他们需要以每位用户每月30美元的价格购买至少300个个人许可证。这样算下来,企业在Word、Excel和PowerPoint中体验到Copilot的AI智慧,每年至少要准备108,000美元的预算喵。这个消息是出自权威的The Decoder哦。虽然价格不菲,但对于寻求高效办公的大型企业来说,这可能是一笔值得考虑的投资喵。
News Title: “Microsoft Copilot’s Enterprise Pricing Revealed: Annual Fees Exceed $100K, High Hurdle for中小企业”
Keywords: Microsoft Copilot, steep cost, commercial subscription
News Content: Meow~ Microsoft’s new business tool, Copilot, has purred its way into the spotlight, catching the attention of many big companies! This smart assistant tailored for large enterprises comes with a “meow-worthy” starting price tag – a minimum of $108,000 per year. But wait, for Microsoft 365 business users who wish to harness Copilot’s AI prowess, there’s a little catch. They need to purchase at least 300 personal licenses at $30 per user per month. That adds up to an annual budget of $108,000 at least, just to have Copilot’s AI assistance in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, according to the reputable source, The Decoder. Though costly, for large enterprises seeking productivity boosts, it might be an investment worth purring over.
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