
中新网广州3月24日电 (蔡敏婕 景世来) 在世界防治结核病日到来之际,广州市胸科医院结核病控制管理科科长、主任医师杜雨华提醒公众,如果出现持续两周以上的咳嗽和咳痰症状,应警惕可能罹患肺结核,并建议及时就医。




英文标题:Doctor at Guangzhou Chest Hospital Warns of Possible Tuberculosis if Cough Persists for Over 2 Weeks

英文关键词:Tuberculosis, Cough, Medical Consultation

GUANGZHOU, March 24 (Xinhua) — Ahead of World Tuberculosis Day, Du Yuhai, head of the tuberculosis control management department at Guangzhou Chest Hospital, warned the public Thursday that a cough lasting more than two weeks could be a sign of tuberculosis, urging people to seek medical attention promptly.

World Tuberculosis Day is observed annually on March 24 to raise awareness about the prevention and control of tuberculosis, a common infectious disease that primarily spreads through the air. Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or talking loudly can disseminate the bacteria.

Du emphasized that while cough can result from various causes, if it persists for more than two weeks accompanied by other signs such as weight loss, fatigue, or coughing up blood, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for controlling the spread of tuberculosis.

Guangzhou Chest Hospital, a specialized tuberculosis prevention and treatment institution, is equipped with advanced testing technologies and extensive clinical experience. The hospital calls on citizens not to ignore the signals from their bodies and to seek professional medical examination and treatment as soon as possible if they suspect they have tuberculosis.


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