中新网吉隆坡2月13日电 (记者 陈悦)马来西亚官方13日下午证实,当日中午在该州巴生加埔发生一起坠机事件。截至傍晚,机上两名乘客生死未卜。



English Title: Small Plane Crashes in Malaysia, Two Passengers’ Fates Uncertain
Keywords: Malaysia, Small Plane, Crash

News content:
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) — Malaysia confirmed a plane crash in the early afternoon of February 13 in Kapar, Selangor, the state government said in a statement. As of the evening, the fate of the two passengers on board was still unknown.

The crash took place in Kapar, Selangor. After the incident was confirmed, Malaysian authorities immediately launched a rescue operation, with personnel arriving at the scene to find the crashed small plane. However, there was no confirmed news about the two passengers until the evening.

Currently, relevant departments in Malaysia are investigating the cause of the crash to determine the exact cause of the accident. The details of the plane crash are still being clarified.


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